Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case Study Activity lessons activities

Task 1 (8 mins)
Do it now activity;
Without referring to the case study document, copy the 7 questions on your OneNote page and answer them;
  1. FaceToFace, a small start-up business founded in South-East Asia in 2017 by who?
  2. Name the University degree acquired by the following company members have; Carol Tan, and Sandra Li, 
  3. Name the founding member who saw the potential of facial recognition software application in a variety of areas.
  4. Which location did the founding members agree to start their venture?
  5. Who manages the processing and storage of the FaceToFace facial recognition systems data?
  6. Name the first client that has approached FaceToFace for it is services.
  7. Storage and use of data is governed by national laws. Name one such bodies that regulation privacy of data.
Task 2
You have been assigned a specific facial recognition system terminologies; Research on the term(s) and provide a brief definition and explanation of the terms. Market Place activity to be applied.
SnehaACM Code of Ethics and  ACTIVE ethics
Afzal: Algorithm and Autonomy
Vallerie(Biometric) nodal points and Consent
Abbas: Data ethics canvas and Data migration
Jonathan: Data sharing formats and Ethics canvas
Alefiyah: Forward compatibility
Ayaan: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Jordan: Image analysis and Interoperability
Amillio: Loyalty Card programme and Metrics
Heena: Opt in / opt out and Point-of-sale (POS)
Azaan: Privacy impact assessment (PIA)
Sachwani: Proof of concept
Gabby: Software as a service (SaaS), IaaS and PaaS
Anita: Start-up business and Usability

Task 3: Friday Lesson
The next task is linked to the activity you did previously as shown below question;

In the groups assigned and using the Manila provided; Draw the ITGS triangle and use the information of the Facial Recognition System Provider to complete the information on;

  1. Strand 1: All the possible social / ethical issues associated to the facial Recognition systems you presented to the Kenyan Government.
  2. Strand 2: All the possible sectors that the Facial recognition system researched can be applied i.e Where can the system be used?
  3. Strand 3: List all possible new IT concepts and terms you derived from your research as you investigated the best Facial Recognition software for the Kenyan Government.
  4. Stakeholders: List inside the triangle the different stakeholder for the Facial Recognition System.
Group 1; Sneha, Abbas, Sachwani
Group 2: Afzal, Ayaan, Gabby
Group 3: Vallerie, Azaan, Amillio
Group 4: Jonathan, Heena, Anita 
Group 5: Alefiyah, Jordan

The government of Kenya is shopping for the best facial recognition system to manage its different operations in governance;

Your task will be to identify the best a facial recognition system provider (company) that can be able to provide most of the requirements listed above; You will then prepare a FIVE minutes presentation that will include the following;
  • A demo on how the system works
  • The main strengths of the systems
  • Clients or countries using the system
  • Other additional features the system can offer
  • The limitations of the system
  • Future improvements being worked on or what you recommend.

Task 4: Using the resources write short notes on your OneNote page

  • What is Facial Recognition?
  • How Does Facial Recognition Work?
  • Where is Facial Recognition Used?
  • What Are the Concerns Of Facial Recognition
  • How to Opt-Out of Facial Recognition

Task 5: Facial Recognition System Used In the World
We have several countries that are already using facial Recognition systems; Investigate and prepare to present the following information about the Country assigned; (All notes on your OneNote Page)
  1. What Facial Recognition System is widely used in this country and which company supplied the technology?
  2. List the the uses of the Facial Recognition System in this Country?
  3. What are some of real research benefits to the Country of using the facial Recognition System?
  4. List some practical researched challenges faced in the Country of using the facial recognition System?
  5. What has the Government done to address these challenges? 
  6. Suggest some future developments you would like to see in the future improvements of the facial Recognition software for this Country.
Sneha; Brazil,
Anita: India, 
Alefiyah; US
Abbas; Russia
Sachwani: China
Afzal: Switzerland
Ayaan: Germany
Gabby: UK
Vallarie: UAE
Azaan: Japan
Amillio: Canada
Jonathan: Singapore
Heena: France

Task 7 

1. What are the use Cases of Facial Recognition in The Hospitality Industry?

2. To what extent has/will facial recognition impact the operations of Malibu Poke restaurants and what ideas can Mike Lim of faceToFacce company gain from them?

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