Friday, March 17, 2017

Guidance for answering ITGS paper 2 questions

Criterion A;
Part 1: What is the concern all about?
            Why is it a concern?What is the negative impact on one or more stakeholders?
            What extracts from article will use to support or give the context?
            Use evidences from the article to support the main issue identified
           N/b Do not describe an issue that is not directly stated or implied. The issue should be straight
                  away clear from the article.

Part 2: Who is the primary stakeholder?
            What is the use of the IT system?
            Which part of IT system is the stakeholder using?
            Can this be supported with extract or  an example from the article?

This answers "Who", "How" and "Why"

Criterion B;
Use the document in the link below to learn how to respond to criterion B.
Answering ITGS Paper 2 Criterion B

Criterion C;
Use the document in the link below for ideas on how to respond to criterion C;
Answering ITGS Paper 2 Criterion C

Criterion D:
Part 1: Describe the one problem resulting from the use of the IT system.
            What is the impact of the problem?
            State  one solution to the one problem described
Part 2:  Describe how the solution will work
             NB Technical solutions should be describe with IT terms showing inputs, processing, storage, outputs.
           Non technical solutions should be supported with policies and actions required.

Part 3: Evaluate some positives strengths of the solution in solving the problem.
            Evaluate some negatives of the solution in solving the problem.
Part 4; Conclusion
        What  areas of the solution do you have issues with?
        what do you recommend for future development of the solution    
        Overall strategy for Paper 2 Criteria

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