Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Business and Employment Assignment

Research for a 2016 News article with social / ethical issue in Business and Employment. Use post the link of the news article and use the article to respond to the following on One Note

Criterion A
     i) What is the main social / ethical issue from the article?
     ii) Who is the main primary stakeholder and why?
Criterion B
     - Name the technology stated in the article 
     - List the IT terms and concepts directly listed in the articles
     - List the IT terminologies that you would use provide more understanding on how the technology works.
  ii) What contributes to the social issue stated in Criterion A to easily occur?

Criterion C
  i) Name three explicitly stated stakeholders in the article and list advantages and disadvantages for each of using the technology

  ii)Name One implicit stakeholder listing the advantages and disadvantage of using the technology

Criterion D
  i) Name one main problem/ main disadvantage of the technology
  ii) State one solution that can be used to solve the problem
  iii) List the strengths and the limitations of your solutions
  iv) State how can your proposed solution can be improved in future

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