Thursday, September 1, 2016

IT in Education

Do an independent research in the area assigned and post a summary of your findings on OneNote;

a) Define the terms assigned

b) Describe how the technology works and use appropriate illustrations or diagrams to explain the technology
c) Provide examples where possible
d) Outline the positives and the negative impacts of using the tools in education
e) Suggests some common related social / ethical issues to the technologies

f) Share one current article relevant with an issue related to the topic.

Shad         Virtual learning environments (VLE), 
Tanzil :      Interactive and smart e-books, 
Amaar :     Web 2.0 educational networks
Saumya:    Game-based learning,
Wayne:      fully immersive learning environments,
Sahir:        Software filtering and monitoring of students’ internet use, 
Samy:        M-learning technologies.

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