Thursday, November 12, 2015

Project Management Methodology: PMBOK, SSADM, CMMI

Brief article that explain what pmbok methodology is

Comparison between pmbok vs Prince 2

What are the key features of the project management methodology?

What are the key features of the above methodology?

Important Article comparing the three PM methodology for your reading;

Make brief notes on the following

  • Iteration during project management process.
  • Differentiate the between the charts that can be used for project management i.e the Gantt chart and Pert Charts,  and  how time constraints, tasks, resources and milestones are shown in these charts.
  •  Differentiate between the different Modelling systems: for example, entities, entity relationship diagrams (ERD), data flow diagrams etc
  •  Maintenance of legacy systems; What are they? share some examples of legacy systems
  • System support: for example, internal support, maintenance contract
  •  Incident management and escalation: Describe the two terms.
Gantt charts

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