Thursday, January 9, 2014

ITGS Project Criterion E, Criterion F and Criterion G

Checklist list for Criterion E, Criterion F and Criterion G

Criterion E: Product development
The different techniques used to develop the product have been identified.

The product includes at least three complex techniques identified in criterion D.

The appropriateness of the product structure has been justified.

Screenshots along with justifications have been used to illustrate the choice of the techniques used to develop the product.

All sources have been cited using an appropriate referencing style (APA).

The technical documentation is approximately 1,000 words.

Criterion F: Product evaluation and future product development
Feedback from client

Appropriate feedback has been obtained from the client.

The evidence for the consultation to obtain feedback from the client has been linked to the cover page.

Product evaluation

The evaluation refers to the requirement specifications in criterion B and the test plan in criterion D.

The evaluation explicitly refers to the feedback obtained from the client.

Future product development

The recommendations are appropriate to the client for the future development of the product.

The product evaluation and future product development is approximately 400 words.

Criterion G: Required elements
Evidence of testing and functionality

The product has sufficient extent to enable its effectiveness and functionality to be evaluated.

The product has been thoroughly tested in a range of situations to ensure that no tests will fail.

The tests used to ensure the functionality correspond to those in the completed test plan.

Cover page

The cover page template has been used.

The student’s details have been added where appropriate.

The cover page has been saved in HTM/HTML format.

File naming and folder structures

One folder called “product” has been created, which holds the product.

The product folder structure is intuitive and allows files to be located easily.

One folder called “documentation” has been created, which holds the eight documentation files: there are no other files or sub-folders within this folder.

The documentation is easy to navigate and uses the file names prescribed in the guide.

All links within the project are relative.

There is appropriate use of file names throughout the project.

Final check
The organization of the project prescribed in the guide has been adhered to.

The project is no more than 2,000 words.

The links within the product and documentation (where appropriate) are relative, allowing portability.

The project has been tested in more than one location under different conditions.

The correct forms have been used for the cover page, analysis, and project schedule and product design.

There are no appendices in the project.

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