Sunday, December 9, 2012

Case Study Sample Examination Question

Using past samples of Case Study question, Design your own examination questions for the 2013 case study. Post the questions in this blog.


Aarfa Hirani said...
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Jamal Abdul said...

-Describe how journey optimization can be used to improve customer satisfaction?
-Define the term GPRS?

Jamal Abdul said...

Explain the benefits of behavioral management

Sadruddin Hashmani said...

1. Define Business Intelligence Software? (3 marks)

2. Describe the requirements of the system user interface that is to be implemented by the Red Dragon Taxi Company. (6 marks)

3. Evaluate the impacts of the introduction of GPRS software on the working principles of taxi businesses worldwide (10 marks)

Aarfa Hirani said...

1. Define Customer Management Software

2. Describe how Behavioral Management can help to Improve customer satisfaction.

3. Evaluate the social and ethical issues related to the use of Behavioral Management in the case study.

Caleb Munyasya said...

a) Define geofencing
b) Describe how geofencing can enhance the productivity of the system

The taxi management system needs to be able to make sure that drivers are being as economical will the fuel consumption as possible.

With reference to the new management system, explain the various ways in which the system attempts to achieve this.

Discuss the features of an appropriate taxi dispatch system that would create a quality experience for the user.

The system is due to be put into place in a couple of month. Formulate a step to step development strategy as to how the new system should replace the old one