Monday, January 16, 2012

Robotics:HL Activity Only

The activity below will be assessed using the rubric given.

Task: You will investigate the assigned task given and present in a form of your choice. All presentation should be based on facts. The presentation should not be more than five minutes and there should be evidence of all members particpation.

George, Jamal, Aarfa
1. Briefly describe some limitions of robots in terms of motion(movement)

2. If in the future machines have the ability to reason, be self-aware and have feelings, then what makes a human being a human being, and a robot a robot? Present your findings.

Jamil, Sohail, William,
1. Briefly describe some limitions of robots in terms of vision.(seeing)

2. If you could have a robot that would do any task you like, a companion to do all the work that you prefer not to, would you? And if so, how do you think this might affect you as a person? Present yor findings.

Emmanuel, Sadhu, Fatema
1. Briefly describe some limitions of robots in terms of sensing.(Touch)

2. Are there any kind of robots that shouldn't be created? Or that you wouldn't want to see created? Why?

Caleb, Soletei

1. Briefly describe some limitions of robots in terms of Thinking.(Decision making)

2. Automation and the development of new technologies like robots is viewed by most people as inevitable. But many workers who lose their jobs consider this business practice unfair. Do you think the development of new technologies, and their implementation, is inevitable? What, if anything, should we as a society do for those people who lose their jobs?
Assessment rubric
The presentation method used is simple and the task on limitions of robots description is basic. The discussion activity was presented with minimal facts. Presentation shows individual effort and not timely.
The presentation method used is good and the task on limitation of robots description fairly achieved. The discussion activity was presented with good facts used. The work shows some team effort and relatively time.
The presentation method used is relevant and the task on limitation of robots description is achieved. The discussion activity was presented with relevant facts used. Presentation shows some effective team participation almost on time.
The presentation method used is appropriate and the task on limitation of robots description is effective. The discussion activity was presented with excellent facts used. Presentation shows effective team participation with effective time use.

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