Sunday, January 10, 2010

Business And Employment HL Activity

Research on the topics assigned and make brief notes. Prepare to make a short presentation at the end of the lesson.
1. Smart Traffic lights

a) Describe how do smart traffic lights work giving examples of places being used.

b) Discuss any four issues to the stakeholders arising from using smart traffic ligts.

Smart Roads

a) Describe how smart roads work, giving examples where possible.

b) Describe what is meant by the term ‘Smart roads’.

c) Discuss from any news articles issues that arise from the development of this technology. Discuss your findings.

Imaculate / Atiya
Smart Cars

For information – look at the range of articles about technology in cars and then
on how car computers work
a) Describe how smart cars work giving example of them where possible.

b) Research the latest technology used in cars, how is this making cars more intelligent. Describe the impact this technology is having on various stakeholders.

Traffic Safety systems

a) Describe how crash testing works

b) How airport security works

c) Describe the technology used to improve the safety of traffic systems.
d) Describe the technology being used to improve the safety of road traffic systems

Example of Researched work on Smart Cars

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