Thursday, August 24, 2017

ITGS Criterion D: Project Design

There are four significant components to the product design.
  • Overall structure
  • Internal structure
  • List of resources
  • List of techniques
The following information should also be included as part of the product design.
  • Test plan
  • Agreement of client
Overall structure (Can be developed using relevant sketches and diagrams) 
Website - Hierarchical navigation model clearly indicating web pages and navigation; sitemap Video - Storyboard DTP - Overall plan and short description for the content of the pages Database - Entity relationship diagram along with field definitions/type Spreadsheet - Workbook layout  

Internal structure (Using relevant sketches and diagrams) 
Website - Layout for each page showing position of text, graphics, animations, audio. 
Video - Short description of the action in each video sequence, audio, effects, graphics, dialog/narration, transitions. 
DTP - Master page layout. Layout of other pages showing fonts used, position of text, tables, graphics, headers/footers 
Database - Layout of main menu, forms, (showing location of text, graphics, navigation buttons) layout of reports 
Spreadsheet - Layout of individual worksheets showing location of text, graphics, formulae. Indication of input cells, output cells, locked areas 

Website Design Sketches

Mobile App Design Sketch

Database Sketches

Video and Games Storyboard Sketches

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