Monday, December 18, 2017

Sample ITGS 2018 Case Study Questions

News Article Posted.

Attempt to answer the following questions;
December 2017 Questions
a) Distinguish between Deep learning and Emotional artificial intelligence.
b) List some AI applications in smart phones

a) Explain the benefits of using cloud-based AI software by MAGs Company in the development of the Doll called Alicia.

b) Explain why unsupervised learning environment will be best suited in the development of the Doll called Alicia.

3. To what extent will the use of cloud based AI software impact the development of the Doll called Alicia?

4. Your response to the question below must include evidence of independent research linked to the Doll Called Alicia case study.

Mark is concerned about the December 2019 deadline and whether there is adequate time to develop and test effective deep learning algorithms. To expedite the process, he is considering whether to hire experts from other companies, to buy AI software from other companies, or even whether to buy the companies themselves. (line 130)

Discuss whether Mark should hire experts or buy AI software from other companies or buy the companies altogether.

January 2018 Questions

1. Define the following terms;
      a) Technological Singularity (2 mks)

      b) Digital Profile (2 mks)
 2. a)  Name any THREE Consumer-grade Artificial intelligence products in the market today.
          (3 mks)

     b)  "In the future, the AI software will not just be limited to the doll, but will be further developed
           for use in MAGS’s other products, as well as in products developed by other companies."
           (line 29)

           Describe any THREE products developed by other companies that could benefit from the AI
            software to be developed. (Support your answers with evidence from research) (6 mks)

3. "When he started to talk about converting data into standard format and secure transmission protocols, Margaret realized that this would need to be looked at in more detail once the ideas for Alicia were more concrete." (line 115).

 Explain using examples from research the reasons for converting data into standard format and using secure transmission protocol. (6 mks)

4. Your response to the question below must include evidence of independent research linked to the Doll Called Alicia case study.

Mark is concerned about the security of the data being transferred between Alicia and the cloud, and has asked his team to investigate encryption techniques. He has also asked his team to investigate appropriate levels of access for the children and their parents. (line 145)

To what extent are the different encryption techniques sufficient in ensuring the safety of data between Alicia and the cloud? (12 mks)

Revision resources

News Articles
Kids and Intelligent toys.

AI moving from Lab to your kids playroom

AI Emotions at play

Feb 2018 Questions
  •  With examples from research describe any legal implications that may arise from the use of MAG’s products. (6 mks)
  • Describe how " Alicia the doll"  will be trained to develop it's artificial intelligence (4 mks)
  • To what extent should data privacy and protection principles apply to data that is collected as a result of the child’s interactions with Alicia ?
  • MAGs company plans to expand in future, with reference to your research, which companies will be ideal for them to work with in the development of AI products and Why? (6 mks)
  • To what extent can MAG's company manage security related issues resulting from the Alicia the Doll by the clients? Support with evidence from research. (12 mks)
  • What mechanisms should be put in place to avoid misusing Alicia against the children ? (6 mks)
  • Your response to the question below must include evidence of independent research linked to the Doll Called Alicia case study and the project development process of an IT system
        "Margret who is leading this project faces several challenges while the practical                      implications of  the doll called alicia." 

       Suggest what kind of project planning and project development methodology should be         implemented to make this project successful. (12 marks)
  • In the future, MAGS would like to increase the personalization of their services, which will require the collection and analysis of significant amount of data from the children. To what extent does the benefits of customers receiving a more personalized system outweigh the potential ethical concerns on the children's privacy, anonymity and security? (12 mks)
  • Many Amazon customers are skeptical on what the company does with the information stored on their databases. Using research that you have conducted and giving specific examples, justify the choice of a cloud based AI software for the doll called Alicia and evaluate why a cloud based software will be the best choice for the company as far as as the maintenance of the software is concerned (12 mks)

Monday, November 6, 2017

Expert Systems and Application of AI

Expert System PowerPoint

Diagnosis of a Car expert system

Medical diagnosis expert Systems

Applications AI, Expert Systems and Robotics

AI in washing machines

Fuzzy logic applications

Provide examples of applications of AI in the following;
  • Smart homes
  • Medicine
  • Warfare
  • Cars
AI in GPS systems

BMW intelligent navigation systems

Best AI apps for Androids

AI applications Search Engines 
RankBrain explained;

How are the following systems applying AI?

Summary notes on Applications of AI.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Sunday, October 8, 2017

AI , Robotics Capabilities and limitations

Discuss some of the capabilities and limitations of robots in comparison with humans. This work should be done in pairs. Document your findings on your OneNote page.

AI PowerPoint notes

Chatting with Eliza

Chatting with ALICE


AI in Image Analysis

AI speech recognition application

Monday, September 25, 2017

Robotics Research and Presentation Activity

Task: You will investigate the assigned task and prepare a presentation supported with facts and relevant examples. This presentation should not last more than five minutes. 

Shad and Tanzil
1. Briefly describe some limitations of robots in terms of motion(movement)

2. If in the future machines have the ability to reason, be self-aware and have feelings, then what makes a human being a human being, and a robot a robot? Present your findings.

 Samy and Hezi
1. Briefly describe some limitations of robots in terms of vision.(seeing)

2. If you could have a robot that would do any task you like, a companion to do all the work that you prefer not to, would you? And if so, how do you think this might affect you as a person? Share your findings.

Saumya and Wayne
1. Briefly describe some limitations of robots in terms of sensing.(Touch)

2. Are there any kind of robots that shouldn't be created? Or that you wouldn't want to see created? Why?

Amaar and Ali Shah
1. Briefly describe some limitations of robots in terms of Thinking.(Decision making)

2. Automation and the development of new technologies like robots is viewed by most people as inevitable. But many workers who lose their jobs consider this business practice unfair. Do you think the development of new technologies, and their implementation, is inevitable? What, if anything, what should we as a society do for those people who lose their jobs?

Robots of the future.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Paper 2 News Article Activity

Obtain a current news article that raises the issue assigned and prepare to share the following;

  • How does the technology/ software/ application/ IT system that raised the social / ethical issue works?
  • Describe some impacts to two stakeholders in the article identified?
  • What is the main problem associated with the use of the technology/ software/ application/ IT system and describe one solution to solve the identified problem.

Shad: Digital citizenship 

SamyGlobalization and Cultural diversity

Saumya: Standards & Protocols

Hezi:People and Machines

Wayne: Policies

TanzilThe digital divide and equality of access

Amaar: Authenticity
Ali Shah: Intellectual property

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Case Study: A Doll Called Alicia

 Response to the following questions by posting them on OneNote;

How do toys with AI blur or affect children development? Can the same concerns apply to A doll Called Alicia envisaged by Mags company?

What is Cozmo, what can it do? and what can  ideas MAGS company borrow in the development of A doll called Alicia?

What are the differences and similarities of the Toys in the article below that A doll Called Alicia?

What do you need to built robots that are human like?

Definitions of Terms
Machine Learning :
Deep Learning
Neural Network

Task 2
Populate the document below using the guidance provided.!Ao1tzqjUXC7kgbxogvjbw1jkford7g

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Digital TV, Video Conferencing, Telecommuting, VOIP

Task 1

Make short notes on the future technologies and post them on your OneNote page

Task 2

Work in pairs and post your notes on OneNote as you prepare to share your findings

i) What is synchronization in relation to the different personal and public communication devices? 
 ii) What other systems are part of synchronization process? 
iii) Describe using some examples how devices are synchronized (Saumya and Wayne)
i) What videoconferencing? 
ii) Describe how videoconferencing works. 
iii) Describe the different systems/technologies required for videoconferencing to succeed or take place.
iv) What are the pros and cons of video conferencing? (Ali Shah & Tanzil)
i) Define the terms teleworking, distance learning
ii) Describe the different device/system required for teleworking and distance learning to take place
iii) What are the pros and cons of the teleworking and distance learning systems?
(Shad and Amaar)
i) What is voice over internet protocol (VOIP)
ii) What contribution has VOIP brought to communication?
iii) What are the pros and cons of using VOIP?
iv) What is the future of VOIP?
( Samy &  Hezi)

Task 3. 
The tasks below should be done independently.

Revision Questions
  1. How is wiMAX different from WiFi?
  2. How would you fix problems with security and privacy with WiMAX?
  3. Give three examples of groupware.
  4. What are the pros and cons of telecommuting?
  5. What is Phishing?
  6. What is SPAM
  7. Describe how two advances in technology have led to an increase in telecommuting. 

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Personal and Public Communication ITGS

Developments in technology have allowed an increasing number of mobile devices to be developed that enable people to communicate anytime, anyplace, anywhere. There is a wealth of information available to society that can be accessed on demand and has changed the way in which people behave.
It is important that the ITGS student is able to discuss the social impacts and ethical issues related to these technologies. These may include the health implications of mobile devices, unauthorised access to wireless networks, interception of communications, storage of personal communications for security purposes, and tracking of people.
For clear understanding of this topic, We will first look at different technologies used for Personal and Public communications. Post you notes in OneNote 
Personal digital assistants (PDAs) and handheld digital devices
  • Define what PDA's are
  • Describe 5 PDAs and handheld digital devices
  • From the list which are obsolete not in use and which ones current?
Most of the digital devices use GPS

  • Define what geotagging is?
  • Describe in detail how geotagging works and use a diagram where possible
  • What are the different applications of geotagging?
Mobile Phones
  • Mobile phones can be said to have adapted the concept of converging technologies. What does this mean?
  • Distinguish between the  3G, 4G and 5G mobile technologies
  • What are the different mobile phone uses and abuses?

  • List some future predictions of mobile technologies

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Paper 2 News Article

Read the article below for Paper 2 practice.









Use the assigned any articles to respond to the criteria below and post your summary findings on your OneNote;

Criterion A - The issue and stakeholder(s)
Describe one social/ethical concern related to the IT system

Describe the relationship of one primary stakeholder to the IT system

Criterion B - The IT concepts and processes

Describe, step by step, how the IT system works

Explain the relationship between the IT system and the social/ethical concern described in Criterion A

Criterion C - The impact of the social/ethical issues on stakeholder
Evaluate the impact of the social/ethical issues on the relevant stakeholder

Criterion D - A solution to a problem arising from the article
Evaluate one solution that addresses at least one problem identified in Criterion C

Thursday, August 24, 2017

ITGS Criterion D: Project Design

There are four significant components to the product design.
  • Overall structure
  • Internal structure
  • List of resources
  • List of techniques
The following information should also be included as part of the product design.
  • Test plan
  • Agreement of client
Overall structure (Can be developed using relevant sketches and diagrams) 
Website - Hierarchical navigation model clearly indicating web pages and navigation; sitemap Video - Storyboard DTP - Overall plan and short description for the content of the pages Database - Entity relationship diagram along with field definitions/type Spreadsheet - Workbook layout  

Internal structure (Using relevant sketches and diagrams) 
Website - Layout for each page showing position of text, graphics, animations, audio. 
Video - Short description of the action in each video sequence, audio, effects, graphics, dialog/narration, transitions. 
DTP - Master page layout. Layout of other pages showing fonts used, position of text, tables, graphics, headers/footers 
Database - Layout of main menu, forms, (showing location of text, graphics, navigation buttons) layout of reports 
Spreadsheet - Layout of individual worksheets showing location of text, graphics, formulae. Indication of input cells, output cells, locked areas 

Website Design Sketches

Mobile App Design Sketch

Database Sketches

Video and Games Storyboard Sketches

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

ITGS Case Study Document For May 2018 Examination

The Case Study for MAY 2018 is out

See below the Case Study: A Doll Called Alicia


We will use class time to read the entire case Study material.

Define Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence by machines /digital devices / programs etc.

The definition of intelligence is the ability to retain knowledge, use reasoning to solve problems or have above average brain power.

Application of Machine Learning


3. Cool ways to use Machine Learning

4. Applications of Machine learning in Medicine

5. Applications of Machine Learning In Iot




Monday, May 29, 2017

Internet Notes May 2017

Write short notes on the following and post them on your OneNote page

Internet Website Tools.
Distinguish between the following tools as used in websites
  • Search engines
  • Keyword density
  • Keyword prominence
  • Page ranking
Social Networking
What is a social networking site?

What are the most common and recent social networking site?

SEO -Search engine optimization
Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine

Web 1.0, Web 2.0, web 3.0 and Web 4.0 and web 5.0
Distinguish between each of the about briefly.

Write short notes on the following;
 Define each term listed here: wikis, blogs, micro-blogs, RDF(resource description framework), RSS (really simple syndication) feeds, mashups, forums, social bookmarking, online collaborative applications, podcasts, photocasts, vidcasts, social networking sites, templates, tagging, viral marketing, webcasts, widgets, virtual worlds and learning environments.

Internet Services

- What are web database? Give examples of web database you know.
- Describe the different online marketing technologies available
- Describe what a content management system is. an examples is Moodle
- Distinguish with examples between push and pull technologies
- Describe the following E-commerce technologies; B2B, B2C and C2C
- Describe the different online payment services; e.g Paypall

Internet Security
 Internet security can be provided by using Firewalls, Proxy servers, Encryprions, and Digital signatures
Internet Threat
Describe each of the internet threat below and suggest the several solutions with examples where possible for each of the threats.
  • Viruses
  • hackers
  • Phishing
  • Spaminng
  • Pharming
  • Spyware
  • Adware

Sample networks question

Monday, May 22, 2017

Developing CMS website

Please read the article in the link below

CMS Website Builders
Two of you will be assigned one of the CMS web builder below to develop a website for a client with the following problem.

A client with a tour Company requires a website to market its service; The company wants a website that will;

  • Allow potential customers to register online
  • Allow customers to make payment for services online
  • Fill in a feedback form after the service
  • Share a 30 secs video of their services
  • It should have Main Page linked to Contact us Page, Picture Gallery Page, A brief history of the company Page, Clients Testimonials page.
  • Each Page should have a unique relevant image
  • All pages should have the same banner used and developed using an appropriate software. The banners should allows at least three images slide-showing.

Odoo  Wayne seek assistance from anyone.

Concrete 5 Hezi and Shad

Joomla Saumya and Ali Shah

Drupal Samy and Amaar

Light Works Tanzil and Shaahir