Tuesday, September 15, 2015

ITGS Criterion D Project Designs

There are four significant components to the product design.
  • Overall structure
  • Internal structure
  • List of resources
  • List of techniques
The following information should also be included as part of the product design.
  • Test plan
  • Agreement of client
Overall structure (Can be developed using relevant sketches and diagrams) 
Website - Hierarchical navigation model clearly indicating web pages and navigation; sitemap Video - Storyboard DTP - Overall plan and short description for the content of the pages Database - Entity relationship diagram along with field definitions/type Spreadsheet - Workbook layout  

Internal structure (Using relevant sketches and diagrams) 
Website - Layout for each page showing position of text, graphics, animations, audio. 
Video - Short description of the action in each video sequence, audio, effects, graphics, dialog/narration, transitions. 
DTP - Master page layout. Layout of other pages showing fonts used, position of text, tables, graphics, headers/footers 
Database - Layout of main menu, forms, (showing location of text, graphics, navigation buttons) layout of reports 
Spreadsheet - Layout of individual worksheets showing location of text, graphics, formulae. Indication of input cells, output cells, locked areas 

List of Complexity techniques document.

Database Sample for Criterion D
Other Samples

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