Thursday, February 5, 2015

Case Studies Assignment

You have been assigned to research and investigate specific terminologies that relate to previous Case studies. Your task will be to prepare a presentation describing/explaining the meanings of the terms and how the technologies work for the assigned and giving practical examples or applications from research that relate to that specific area of study.

The report or the presentation will be uploaded in managebac and the oral presentations will be done and assessed next Friday

Khaleel and Sharleen (La Vianda Supermarket )
Biometrics, Data mining, Dynamic pricing, EDI – electronic data interchange, Electronic article surveillance, POS / EPOS, RFID tags, Smart cards, Smart shelves, UPC / Bar codes,Wireless communications.

Aliasger and Ashiqa ( Running an Online Business)

Backup strategies, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS),Domain Name System,
Internet service provider (ISP), Page ranking, Pay per click advertising
Payment merchant account, Payment options – e.g. PayPal / credit card payment / direct deposit to an account, PHP, RSS feeds
Search engine optimization, Shopping cart software, Site traffic analysis, Web 2.0 technologies, Web content management system (Web CMS)

Ann and Husnah (Red Dragon Taxi Company)
Behavioural marketing, Business intelligence software, CCTV, Cost benefit analysis, Cost estimation, Customer management software, Data logging
GPRS, GPS, Route planning software / route optimization, Smartphone apps, Smartphone, SMS, Software as a service (SaaS)

Apps, E-book file formats, E-book readers, Electronic paper,Epub format
Mobi format, Page-orientated file format, Platform, Reflowable file format, Self-publishing, Smartphone, Synchronization, Tablet, Widgets

Dinar and Paul (An investigation Into Big Data)
Analysis: Business intelligence software, Clustering/pattern analysis
Data analysis/data analytics, Data extrapolation, Data mining, Data querying, Data visualization, Data warehouse, ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process, Forecasting and hypothesis testing
Marketing: Behavioural marketing, Targeted advertising, Targeted marketing

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