Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Simulation activities

Go thro the powerpoint in the link below

Find out more about Therac-25

Discuss issues of models.

  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this training method?
  • What are the main issues arising from using flight simulators?

Looking at models and Simulators (15 minutes preparation and 5 minutes each for presentation)

  • Atiya and Tasin: How reliable are the predictions based on computer models, for example, weather, global warming ?
    Sajni and Gary; what are some of the economic effects of the use of models to design and test new products?
    Salima and Nafisa; what are some of the security issues involved in military simulations
    Rishad and Immaculate: What are some of the social impacts of reliance on simulations to examine issues of public policy

    Terry; Discuss some of the ethical considerations involved in deciding when to use models or simulations to ensure human safety

    Attempt the actvities in the link below

Read any two news articles in the link below and prepare to share your findings

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