Monday, January 19, 2009

Portfolio Extension

Develop the plan for your portfolio extension. Date entries should be included for my follow up . A copy of the plan should be submit to me for followup. Take into account the deadlines.

a) Name the title of the portfolio to be extended.

b) List atleast four the stakeholders to be interviewed. State their ages, profession, place to interview and date expected to interview Discuss with your classmate why you need to interview them

c) Develop at least 15 open ended questions for each stakeholder.

Below is the structure that will assist work on your extension

  • Criterion N - Discussion and analysis of the interview
    N (a): Generally, how do the results of the interview compare with the issues raised in the Portfolio piece?
    Was there general agreement or disagreement by the interviewee(s)?

    N (b): Make a comparison between some of the interviewee’s opinions and those discussed in the Portfolio piece

    N (c): Why did the interviewee have these opinions?
    What is the interviewee’s stake in the issue (what stakeholder are they)?

    Checklist Criterion N
    a) Do the issues discussed relate to issues flagged in Criterion C or Criterion D?
    b) Have all interviews been discussed?
    c) Have interview responses been analysed (eg similarities and differences)?

    Criterion O - Reflection on the interview
    O (a): Make a comparison between 1 issue from the Portfolio piece and what the interviewee said about the same issue.

    O (b): Make a comparison between 1 issue from the Portfolio piece and what the interviewee said about the same issue.

    O (c): Make a comparison between 1 issue from the Portfolio piece and what the interviewee said about the same issue.

    O (d): Construct a personal reflection on these three comparisons.
    Now that you have more opinions about the issues, could it still be solved using your suggested solution in the Portfolio piece?

    Checklist Criterion O
    a) Have the interview responses been related to the Portfolio research?
    b) Is there extensive reflection and has one new idea been established?

    Criterion P - Projection of broader implications from the interview and portfolio research
    P (a): In light of the results of the interview(s), what changes could be made to the system to make it viable?

    P (b): Make a future projection in relation to either i) the increase or decrease in impact of the issue or ii) any new issues that may arise.

    Checklist Criterion P
    a) Is there projection of implications from both Portfolio and Interview(s)?
    b) Are projections new ideas that have not been stated in the Portfolio or Interviews?

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